Encontro com Glória Perez
Pelo fato de estar me recuperando de uma cirurgia no pé esquerdo, fiquei basicamente sem sair de casa por quase dois meses. Tentei da forma que podia me manter ocupado na frente do computador, escrevendo roteiros, vendo filmes, lendo, fazendo trabalhos de edição, e fotografia. Hoje porém, na semana que comecei fisioterapia, sai de casa […]
Side by side comparison – AF100, FS100, F3, 5D
The new wave of large chip cameras Hello all, The fast explosion of DSLR shooting speed it up the development of large chip camcorders. Today the major video camcorder manufacturers are fighting for the best large chip cameras. There are 2 options in the market for the prosumer level and one option for the entry […]
Comic Con with HBO
This Summer I did amazing projects and one of them was working with HBO at the Comic Con. I graduated with Fernanda Leite and since the school time she was working for HBO. Today she is a big time producer that call the shots and (knowing that I was living in LA) she invited me […]