There are 2 software that I need to post something about it. Both are for the field of Assistant directors.
The last 2 films that I worked (April Apocalypse and Lost Souls) I used this software called Scenechronize (more information please visit
It is based on cloud computing technology, where by all your data is saved and managed on line. It is very user friendly and easy to use. In my opinion it is a Movie Magic Scheduling on line. The advantages of this Scenechronize over Movie Magic is that your data is always available on line on any computer, you can easily manage changes and updates whenever and wherever you are, and it is free for a basic use. I believe that Scenechronize it is definitely a step ahead in the game when it comes down to production of films. The disadvantages of Scenechronize are the fact that it is not yet popular as MMS, your options are still limited, and some feature (like inserting new scenes and creating reports) are not as efficient like MMS.
I strong recommend for every 1st AD to take a look at this software and get the hang of it. If you are on a budget and can’t afford MMS, scenechronize it is your best choice. It is way better than Celtx because it has an interface that it is similar to what the industry uses, like colored stripboards, breakdown elements, and DOOD reports. There is also a call sheet export to excel that is pretty useful.
The other software that is calling my attention is Movie Magic To Go. It’s been quite a long time that MMS doesn’t upgrade their system, and now I understand why. They were developing this App that will be very helpful for the AD on set. It is the Movie Magic Scheduling for Ipad. Like every software delivered by Entertainment Partners, this one is not for free. The good thing is that the price is not as much as MMS. For only 29,99 you can buy the App that will bring all your desktop breakdown to the Ipad. The amazing thing is that you can have all your info with you everywhere you go on set. I think it will look very cool for an AD to show the breakdown on an Ipad for a director or producer. Other than the show off value, this app will also minimize the amount of paper one has to carry while shooting a film. The bad part about this app is that it is not synced with the desktop application, and there is no on line version of it. Which means that every change you do on your desktop, will not sync up automatically with the Ipad version. Also if you have the Ipad version, you still need the desktop version to create the breakdown.
My suggestion for the developers of software focused on the AD field is to create a synced system like scenechronize, with an App like MMS to go, and integrate the call sheet to an online calendar like Celtx. Everybody, everywhere, will be able to see in real time what scenes are being shot, changes, and latest updates. I know that sonner or later, some of the software companies will create something like that.