New Feature Film in New York
I am doing the pre-production of a new feature film based in New York. The director called me from over there and hired me to work for him at a distance. I couldn’t physically travel to New York because I am doing physical therapy and my doctor didn’t allow me to work yet. So we […]
In Pursuit of Happiness – A critic about the film “The Secret”
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for And certain of what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1 The film The Secret tells about the law of attraction or how to achieve success in life through the management of feelings. Even though it is a very controversial film with structural problems, […]
Killer Priest
After shooting Feed Me, I was hired to shoot another feature. This time was with the director Damian Chapa for Amadeus pictures. We worked together in Brando and we both knew what to expect from each other. I fixed the schedule for him and helped him with the production. This time the crew was way […]
I am here at the backyard of a beautiful house in San Clemente, Orange County. Tonight is the last day shooting at this location. This place has breath taking views. The people are warm and everybody seems to like us. I will give a back story to this production. It was a low budget film, […]
This was one of the craziest yet amazing months of my life. I started the month completely broke. Instead of freaking out, I put myself together and started working my own projects: 2 scripts and a new demo reel. I had faith that I would pay my bills. During this time I got to know […]
LABRFF and Positive
Well, that was my first film festival. I was very anxious and nervous. I did not know what to expect. Showing a film to an audience is like driving your son for the first day at school (I don’t have a kid, but I can imagine). You know that from that point on, he will […]
I want to wish a Merry Christmas full of joy, love, and fun. God bless all my family and friends. My fiance is here with me and we are enjoying the first Christmas together. We had dinner last night and I gave her and my roommates Christmas cards where I told them in a funny […]
First part of the film almost done
We are taking 5 days off and we will start production back again this Sunday, December 20. Ron Quigley (dir./e.p./lead) had to travel. His brother with cancer unfortunately past away. We were about to wrap our second week shooting, and the bad news came. Ron tried to hold on and keep going. This is a […]
Start of production and engagment
Tomorrow we will start the film. The guys had already being there today for a test shoot and pre light the set. I was not able to go because I had to get done with a bunch of school work. I had even a test of one of the best classes I ever took: grip. […]
My first Feature film as a Co-Director
I am going to co-direct my first feature film. Just sign the contract today. I am in a hurry now to make it possible because there are a lot of things to do. I am going to share the direction of the film with the executive producer/lead actor Ron Quigley. By the fact that he […]